Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankfulness Day 18: My Appliances

Okay I know it sounds silly, but I am.  I have been having trouble with my oven, my dryer doesn't dry very well, my dishwasher sticks through the cycle and leaves the dishes soaking wet.

However, it makes me think of what my days, especially while getting ready for Thanksgiving, would be like without these machines.  Everything I accomplished today would have taken me at lease twice as long as it did.

So, today I will try to stop complaining about some of these mild annoyances and try to remember how very helpful these appliances still are, even with all their flaws!

Happy Baking/Cooking to everyone!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankfulness Day 17: Godparents

Today I am thankful for my children's Godparents.  My husband and I followed in my parents footsteps on this one and chose 2 sets of Godparents for each of our children, one set family and another set friends.  The idea here being we knew our brothers & sisters would play a big role in our children's lives.  However, we firmly believe the old adage "it takes a village".  There will be so many people that come in and out of children's lives who will make impressions, good & bad.  It is this collective of parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, Godparents, friends, neighbors & acquaintances that will help to mold our children.

We chose 5 wonderful friends from our church to be our children's non family Godparents.  Now I know that these are potentially people that we will not know our whole lives.  Things change, people move, etc.  Even if for only a season though, these are special people whom my children dearly love and look up to.  Besides our family, these are the people we turn to when we need help, these are the people whom we confide in.  Basically, these Godparents are our family & our children absolutely adore them.  So thanks to you all!!  We cherish you and thank God for the wonderful richness you bring to our lives.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankfulness Day 16: Cooking

Today I am thankful that I do love to cook.  Just spent the afternoon cooking/baking for something tomorrow & I feel so accomplished.  It's not always easy with 3 small children and the crockpot and I have become such good friends lately.  However, it's most always worth the effort.

When I cook,
-we all sit down together, around the table
-we talk
-we pray
-my children are learning how to set a table & clean up after themselves
-they are learning table manners
-they are learning to be more adventurous eaters because they at least have to taste everything (courtesy bite, thanks for the idea Kelly) & are discovering that they like more than they dislike
-they are learning the art of conversation
-we share our joys & disappointments for the day
-we give each other our undivided attention, even if only for 20 minutes
-the kids get excited because they love family dinner

I still have days that I don't feel like being in the kitchen, but most of the time it's my favorite place to be.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankfulness Day 15: Understanding

Today I am thankful that my husband realizes how important it is for me to have time with my girlfriends to just be girls.  Nothing can replace that time just sitting and talking with the girls.

Now my husband and I are very close and I share everything with him. However, even he knows that I need time to just be with my friend chatting over a bottle of wine.

Thanks Dede and Brenda!!  That was just what I needed.  I haven't had that much of that kind of fun in a while.

Thankfulness Day 14: School

Today I am thankful for the school that my children attend.  All 3 of my kids absolutely LOVE going to school and love their teachers.  I am constantly amazed by what they are learning.  But they are not just learning their ABC's and 123's, they are being taught how to be responsible caring people by teachers that are just that.  It warms my heart to know that my children are deeply cared for by their teachers and makes it so much easier for me to be able to leave them every day.

Thank you for all that you do!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankfulness Day 13: My Husband

Today I am thankful for my wonderful husband, Scott and following are just a few of the reasons why.

1) makes me call when I get home and we are not together
2) opens doors for me
3) brings bring me flowers
4) makes me smile
5) has always done whatever work was necessary to support us, which allows me to stay home with the kids
6) makes responsible decisions for our family
7) plays with our children
8) still makes me blush
9) reads to our children
10) puts up with my moods
11) makes our lives exciting
12) always puts my fears to rest
13) is a strong faithful Christian man who is an example for our children
14) gives hugs & kisses daily
15) can fix just about anything
16) helps the kids with their homework
17) puts his family first
18) makes me feel beautiful
19) is always there when we need him
20) makes me fall in love with him all over again each and every day

Happy Anniversary honey and here's to 8 years of love, laughter & fun!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankfulness Day 12: My Running Buddy

My father was a runner for many years until his knees just couldn't take it anymore.  He used to tell me 3 important things about running:

1) running is easy because the only equipment you need is shoes and you can do it anywhere
2) you need a buddy to keep you motivated
3) "Most people don't like to run.  I hate to run, but I like to drink beer, so I run to balance it out"

Now, I am sure there are plenty of people out there that would argue with the third point, but maybe just as many that would agree.  :-)  We all have our own reasons and motivations for exercising.  I actually do like to run, a lot!!  I like the way it makes me feel and the fact of the matter is that I am a bit of a lazy person.  By running in the mornings I feel much more accomplished for the day and I, in turn, usually accomplish more on the days I run.

I will admit, though, that I am a sporadic runner.  I started running in college, have trained for and run a half marathon, & done numerous 5 & 10Ks.  However, it's taken to this point in my life to discover that even though I can run long distances, I have no desire to do so.  I am 2-4 miles, 3-4 days a week and I'm happy kind of runner.

Recently, I was on one of my 3 to 4 month hiatuses when a good friend pushed me to start up again.  So, we did and now I'm back on again.  And my dad was definitely right about that second point, it's best to have someone else to help keep you motivated.  So, be it a virtual buddy or someone you actually run with, if you want to get out and get started, that is the way to do it!!!

Thanks to my running buddies (you know who you are), today I am thankful for you!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankfulness Day 11: Veterans

Today I am thankful for all those who serve valiantly to secure and protect our freedoms.  It is a thankless & difficult job, but America would not be what it is today without your service.  I don't have uniform photos of all of them, but these are some very special men in my life who have served and or still do.  Thanks and I love you!!

 Papa, we miss you!!

Grampa, we miss you!!

My older brother in the Navy & my younger brother in the Army!f

Love both you guys!!

Thankfulness Day 9: Time Away

So I know this is out of order, but that's okay.  Isn't life supposed to be full of little surprises and quirks??  So this is mine for the day.  And this is based on something I did on the 9th, so still valid.

Today I am thankful for time away.  I do love my children more than life itself, but sometimes Mommies & Daddies just need adult time away.  I'm not talking about a couple of hours at dinner.  I'm talking someone else is in charge for at least 12 hours and a small amount of the weight of responsibility  can be lifted from your shoulders.  I hear some people say "Oh I don't need that, I love being with my kids"  Well so do I!!  And I don't NEED it, but it is GOOD for my soul.  It actually makes me a better mommy, because guess what I do when I'm gone??  I miss them and I think about what they are doing. And that's okay.  The point is not to forget your kids, but to remember just how much you appreciate them.

Sometimes that is hard to do when you are in the trenches 24/7.

So I am thankful that my hubby took me away for the night, and that my sister and a some very dear friends took care of my angels for me.  And it . . . was . . . WONDERFUL . . .

Just to be a married couple like we used to be when we focused all our attention on each other.  I do believe everyone should have that, occasionally.  And you know what???  I wasn't sad when it was time to come home.  I couldn't wait to see my babies again, renewed & refreshed!!!

Headed to Dinner

This was waiting in our hotel room when we came back from dinner.

Room Service for Breakfast

Just had to add this one cause my breakfast was SO yummy!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankfulness Day 10: Aggies Win

Okay, this is a no brainer today.  WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!  My Aggies beat number 1 Alabama!!!!

This is for all my Aggie buddies out there.

"Some may boast of prowess bold, of the school they think so grand
But there's a spirit can ne'r be told, it's the Spirit of Aggieland.
We are the Aggies, the Aggies are we!!!!
True to each other, as Aggies can be
We've got to fight boys, we've got to fight
We've got to fight for maroon and white

After they've boosted all the rest, they will come and join the best
Cause we are the Aggies, the Aggies are we
We're from Texas AMC!!"

Thankfulness Day 8: Coffee

Yes, that is correct I am thankful for coffee.  I know it's a vice, but I give into this one happily.  Yes, it gets me going in the morning, but I truly love the stuff.  I like to drink it out of a tall mug, not a big fat one because the opening is too large and it cools down too quickly.  And for me it has to be HOT HOT HOT!  I also like a fun or inspirational mug.  It increases the joy and satisfaction.  These are currently my favorite mugs and (selfishly, I know) I don't share them well.

So, thanks to whomever that was that took that little bean they had dropped into the fire (I'm sure this is not how it happened, but let's just imagine), ground it up and steeped it in water.

If you are really interested you can read the whole story here:

So, for all of you coffee lovers out there, have another cup today and Happy Drinking . . . coffee that is!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankfulness Day 7: Variety of People

I am struggling with today's thankfulness post because I have not been having lots of happy thoughts today.  Through this process though, I am finding that is all the more reason to keep writing about thankfulness.  It's forcing me to look at everything from a positive angle.

So, today I am thankful for the variety of people that are in my life.  How boring would life be if I was constantly surrounded by people who did nothing but agree with me and tell me that I am always right.  I think for sure I would have a severe, false sense of self & reality.

The truth is that I may not always agree with everyone in my life.  However, having a variety of opinions on differing subjects helps me to see situations from different vantage points.  It also helps me to really try and look into people's hearts, because that is who they really are.  Fact of the matter is that just because I disagree with someone doesn't mean I don't like them.  We may have to agree to disagree but something we all owe each other is respect.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankfulness Day 6: The Right to Vote

Okay, I am going to be obvious today and say that I am thankful for the right to vote.  I may not always just love the candidates or the winner.  However, having the ability to have a say in choosing who runs this country is so important.  For after all, I am choosing the person who will be spending my money & watching out for my family's welfare.

On a side note, I just want to say how impressed I am with my children's school.  They have been focusing on the election and voting process for about a week now.  Julia is very interested and even asked at dinner last night if she could watch for the results tonight.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankfulness Day 5: Pictures

Today I am thankful for pictures.  I sat down an hour ago to look for one picture and now here I am with a stiff back from sitting in a desk chair and squinty eyes from staring at the computer screen.  I was pulled in by all the memories.  I guess it's not the pictures that I am thankful for, but the memories they capture.  It's a bit like time travel.  You are transported back in time and reminded of past joys, triumphs, sorrows, tears, holidays, etc.  As a parent I find it to be a little bittersweet to see my babies as babies.  I miss those stages and who they were at each certain point in time.  This weekend my father was holding my 6-year-old and told her what he wouldn't give to have me back at that age for just a moment.  As I was just looking at some holiday pictures from just 3 years ago, I had the same thought; oh what I wouldn't give to have them each back as an infant and hold them once more.

So, I will try harder each day to hold onto the little moments like pictures in my mind, and take plenty of photographs for when I will inevitably forget.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankfulness Day 4: My House

Today I am thankful for the house that I have.  It's not the biggest, in fact oftentimes it feels woefully small.  However, it's big enough.  It provides all of the things that a house should.  And at times I am extra thankful that it is so small.  Here is a list of the things that are annoying about living in a small house with 3 small children:
-it's loud
-it's crowded, so we run into each other a lot
-we can't have lots of toys, clothes, etc because we don't have room
-my girls can't have their own room
-my kids fight over the one sink & toilet in their bathroom
-my husband and I bump into each other in our tiny bathroom
-I can't put on my makeup in the bathroom when my hubby is taking a shower
-our garage is full of stuff so my car can't be parked in it
-I don't have a place where I feel like I can get away from the hustle & bustle of the house
-kids can't be watching whatever they want whenever they want
-we don't have room to entertain our big family

Now for the positives of living in a small house:
-my children are learning to really enjoy each other's company
-my children are learning to appreciate what they have
-my children are learning patience & the art of taking turns
-my children are learning that life is not about how much you have, but who you spend it with
-my girls are learning to share a room which will serve them well once they are grown & married
-my husband and & I are never far from one another and are reminded daily of how much we do love each other's company
-my husband & I have become better time managers
-daily I am reminded that my life isn't all about me and if I focus too much on myself I become selfish, unsatisfied & unhappy
-I always know what my kids are watching on TV & my husband and I don't watch all the crap that TV has to offer these days because it's not suitable for our children
-instead of having huge parties (where you spend more time preparing & cleaning up after) we have smaller family/friend get togethers and actually get more quality time with our family & friends

I could go on with this list, but I do have other things to do today.  The bottom line is that for every complaint I have about my house, there is a positive way of looking at it.  This house is where my husband carried me across the threshold, where I brought all 3 of my newborn babies, where we celebrated our first Christmas & Easter, where my 3 babies took their first steps, etc.  My house is not just a place where we reside.  It's a place where my husband & I have built our family.  It's my home and for that I am thankful. 

Thankfulness Day 3: Legs

Today I am thankful for 2 legs that take me where I need to go.  I know it seems so simple, but certainly something I think I take for granted.  As I was running yesterday I was sort of mentally complaining because I was getting tired.  As I was trying to remotivate myself, I began to think of people who would love to be able to run.  I have many friends whose knees won't allow them to run. I, however, can take an old pair of shoes and workout clothes anywhere I go and be able to workout. 

These were the thoughts that motivated me and made me feel thankful.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankfulness Day 2: The Little Things

I am going to steal from a song today, just cause I can!!  Today I am thankful for the little things; and, yes, I DO sweat 'em!  I know I shouldn't, but I do.  I can blame genetics on this one, honestly.  I am a worrier and I come from some very awesome worriers!!

Worrying is all caused by how we look at things.  Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person?  If you are a glass half empty person take a day and try looking on the positive side of everything.  I promise you will begin to see that there is a reason for all those little things, even though we may not know what that is.  It's those little things that make us know we are alive and blessed.

God won't give us anything we can't handle because he alone truly knows how strong we are.  So, if you are sweating the small stuff, don't beat yourself up just take a minute to enjoy them.  If you need some inspiration to get you started here you go . . .

Blessings to all you Moms & Dads out there who are now running for a tissue!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankfulness Day 1: Wonderful Friends

Today I am thankful for wonderful friends that:
1) just randomly pick up my kids for a playdate
2) invite us over for Halloween
3) come over at a moment's notice to watch the A&M games
4) listen to my venting when I need it
5) give me advice when I ask & even sometimes when I don't
6) love & protect my children like they would their own
7) offer help when I am overloaded & regularly pray for us
8) love me & my family unconditionally
9) get me out of my funk & make me start running again
10) help me to be a better person