So, I went to my wonderful hubby before V-Day and told him that I decided I wanted a Kindle. I wanted to catch him before he bought me something sparkly. He said we weren't going to spend a lot on Valentine's this year, but if I wanted a Kindle he would get me one. So we go out and buy one, pick out a light & a case and there you go! Then I got home and start playing with it and soon realized something, I had NO IDEA what I wanted to read. Now I love to read (not quite as much as my sister, though), I mean I am a librarian for heaven's sake. When I started thinking about what I wanted to read though, I was lost. Then it occurred to me . . . I hadn't really been reading for myself for the past 8 years or so.
In my former life I was an elementary school teacher. Back in 2004 I changed professions. I got emergency certified as a school librarian and started back to school to get my Masters of Library Science. I was also engaged that year, planned a wedding & married. At that point, I scrapped all personal reading for school books, youth literature and wedding guides/planners.
*Side note* I LOVE children's & young adult literature. There are so many great kids books that adults can enjoy. So the next time you're in a library check out the children's section.
Anyway, I was busy reading for my profession and for grad school. Then I got pregnant in 2005, only adding baby books to my repertoire. 2006 rolls along and I changed professions again, becoming a stay-at-home mom, thus adding only child-rearing & children's books.
Since then, I have thrown a "me" book in there occasionally, a couple of bible studies & a few self-help titles. That brings me up to last week again being totally lost in the land of the literature. Luckily after some late night searching I bought a few books that came out during my adult reading hiatus that I wanted to read, but never did.
Now I have a new problem! I have so many books I want to read. And, I have to work on staying awake at night long enough to read more than a few sentences!!
Don't despair! You will have time to read again someday and meanwhile just hang in there, reading one or two pages at a time. Kindles are great for interrupted reading cause when you open it up again, there you are just where you left off.